Use unique aerial perspectives to market your properties.
Differentiate yourself from the competition!
We provide photographs and video from the ground up. The equipment we use can obtain the shots you need from small lots to ranch size properties. If you need images of a property that encompass hundreds of acres you may wish to hire an airplane. We don't rely on balloons that can be hard to get into certain locations and currently there is a problem with the shortage of helium.
The equipment we use can get into areas to get the shots that are needed and be done quickly with the professional quality you expect.
You can use these aerial pictures and video in everything from Real Estate to amazing video of your big event.
Aerial photography from aircraft is expensive. We can provide close-up shots rather than just photographs looking straight down such as satellites and aircraft for far less than the cost of traditional aerial photography.
•Give your listings extraordinarily awesome views
•Offer elevated views to sellers to gain a competitive advantage
•Redeem older listings with professional shots and unique angles
•Prints can make great appreciation gifts for sellers or new owners
•Great for large lots, lakeside properties, commercial areas, golf courses
•Capture hill property to show everything you cannot see from the ground
Would you like to show a neighborhood from a better view than you can get from satellite imaging?
We can help!
Coeur d'Alene Fort Grounds at sundown. 02-23-2013 |
Phone: 208•277•8584